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Writer's pictureDavid Mireri


Try describing how authentic the street delicacies of the island of Mombasa (Kenya) are, without ever being there personally and partaking of the same.

Introducing any fake data into your research findings is problematic. UX is all about research and there shouldn't be a need for any fiction. Also remember people aren’t stupid, if anyone wants to pick holes in your research, introducing fake data into your research gives them all the ammunition that they need.

Fake data can be used to question the veracity of all your research findings. Even for stakeholders, once they realize there is an element of fiction introduced, they are less likely to empathize at all.

Making the stakeholders and the team watch usability test clips is a much powerful way of getting people into the shoes of their users.”

Circumvention could easily happen where Proto-personas are introduced at the ideation phase (the actual terminology being bullshit-personas).

User Journey Diagrams

In my opinion, when using Proto-personas it’s best to cut down the fake data to the bare minimum. For instance, keep the biographical details at the minimum and don’t use real photos or real names - instead use a photo-sketch and job titles.

Nonetheless there are other useful ways of presenting your research findings - such as the User journey diagrams - that don't introduce this dilemma and could be of great help to avoid arguing over semantics such as Design Personas and Marketing Personas.

Personally, making the stakeholders and the team watch usability test clips is a much powerful way of getting people into the shoes of their users. (Uliza kiatu - Hart the Band)

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